Thursday, 5 June 2014

video converter software free download full version

PRODUCT: Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate v7.1.0.
             [ ] Serial/Keygen                  
TYPE OF FIX: [ ] Crack                                  
             [X] Patch

INSTRUCTIONS: After installation use the provided patch on the files "WSVCUSplash.exe"
and "VideoConverterUltimate.exe", both of which can be found in the installation
directory (e.g. "Program Files\Wondershare\Video Converter Ultimate"). No serial number
required. Done! Enjoy!
!! NOTE !!
When installing Wondershare applications an extra program is installed
named "WSHelper.exe". This program will run in the background of your
machine and pop up ads or offers from time to time. To remove this you
will have to manually kill the process and delete the folder it is stored
in ("Program Files\Common Files\Wondershare"). If you are not familiar with
how to do this, just copy and paste the following batch script into Notepad
and save it as "FILENAME.bat", FILENAME being whatever you choose to name it.

IMPORTANT: NEVER run a batch file without first understanding what it does,
this is an easy way for assholes to screw with your computer. If you're not
sure what a command does then Google it.


@echo off
taskkill /f /t /im WSHelper.exe
rd /s /q "%programfiles%\Common Files\Wondershare"
rd /s /q "%programfiles(x86)%\Common Files\Wondershare"

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