Sunday, 18 August 2013

What is a Printer

The Computer system needs to convert the document to a format, which is understandable by the printer for printing. The device drive of a printer helps convert a document to a format, which is understandable by the printer. The performance of a printer is determined by the parameters, Dots Per Inch (DIP) and And Pages Par Minute (PPM).
The DPI parameter of a printer, the better is the quality of the output generated. The PPM parameter of a printer represents the number of pages that are produce par minuter. Printers can by classified on the best of technology that they use to print the text and image:

A dot matrix printer uses perforated sheets to print text. Dot matrix printers are impact printers as they print the text on a sheet, by striking a pin against the ribbon to produce its impression on the paper. Dot matrix printers are used to produce multipale copies of a print out, as the striking motion of the pins helps in making carbon copies of atext also ..
Shows a dot matrix printer.

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