Thursday, 26 December 2013

How To Hank a Computer With IP Address Easy Steps

Steps. How to Hank Any IP  Address:

1) Prepare the IP Address of the Victim,


2) Download and Install Advance Port Scanner .

3) Open Advanced Port Scanner and Type the IP Address in the right columm and Click Scan.

4) It will lists you all Opened Ports of the Victim Computer or Router.( e. g: Port 91)

5) After Retrieving the IP address and the Opened Ports of the Victim, Open Command Prompt (CMD)
and type : telnet [IP ADDRESS ] [port]

6) Now you be asked to Enter Login Information, Just Username and Password and hit Enter.
if no password wused just type the Username.

Done . Now you get access to all Victim' File and Documents by browsing with.... CMD
 (use, CD, Copy, Delete)

Enjoy !
Any Question Comment here .
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Monday, 23 December 2013

How To Use Free Internet Use on Opera Mini Browser

Note:- All these tricks and tips and found on e-net and some are being tested and then kept in this site... We are not responsible for any of the consequences
free mobile internet with Opera Mini browser. Simple tricks for 2G/3G mobile phones with no wifi. Browse, download ang apload. For Globe sim card, you don't need to have a regular load, remain it 0.00 balance. For smart sim, maintain a balance of 1 peso but you can still browse if you run out of airtime load.
New server trick for Opera Mini SMART or use this:

the trick here is we use this is just an option but you can still use the 238.

this is my current setting for Opera Mini
custom http/primary server:

Note: Smart is giving us a full free browsing treat just like Globe, yes we can now use our smart sim for mobile browser and other internet apps even if zero balance. Sorry guys for posting it late here, its just that i have to survey and test it myself for confirmation. Enjoy and browse until supply last!

New server trick for Opera Mini GLOBE

Opera Mini 4.2 Handler UI 132

primary server:

front query:

proxy type: host

proxy server:

mark remove port from url.

add port to non port URL:

Opera Mini 5.2 Multi

custom 1:

Opera Mini 6.1 Handler UI

front query:

proxy type: http

proxy server:

mark remove port from url.

add port to non port URL:

Connection: Myglobe connect
(see updated server trick for manual connection setting)

How to create an access point
Nokia s60v2, s60v3
Connection Setting for
Opera mini


Access points>
New acces point>
Use default setting>

Connection name: Operamini
Access point name: (for globe)
internet (for smart)

Advance settings>

(for globe)
Proxy serv. address:
Proxy port: 8080

(for smart)
Proxy serv. address:
Proxy port: 80
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Moble Tricks all in One

*#9125#------Activates the smiley when charging.......
*#9998*228#---shows battery status............
*#9998*778#---sim service table

VODAFONE FREE 20rs recharge
--> from mobile
-->Recharge menu
-->Enter password 8923115353
GPRS--General Packet Radio Service
GPS--Global Positioning System
GSM--Global System for mobile
SMS--Short Message Service
3G---3rd Generati
*#7780#----Restore phone
Delete gprs set---*#353738#
Blue tooth On--*#2820
Call waiting--*43#
Show security code---*#30#
Free caller tune for vodafone users:-
Dial 54206090
Free SMS for Airtel:- 80855
sms ams to 55328 u will get 50 L/N sms daily
New Idea Trick:-
>To Divert voice calls dial  9822001711
>Simply dial *62*+919822001711#
>Tested in Gujarat and Maharastra
Aircel GPRS activation:-
Reply to 121 with GPRS for GPRS setting
For wap setting do the same
MMS for MMS setting ... for all settings sms ALL
--> - 18004196666
-->SBT Bank:- 18004255566
-->UNION bank:- 1800222244
Airtel Free song catcher :-
-->Dial 57878(Toll Free)
-->Airtel Free TV:- Just Type: TV & send to 54321
-->Airtel Free JOB ALERT:- *321*66# -------------------------------------------
Now you can ask balance from any other idea mobile friend:-
SMS- ASK to 55567... If ur frnd permits u can get bal
DTH Customer care Num's:-
Dish Tv:- 18601803474
Tata Sky:-18604256633
Big Tv:-18002009001
Airtel Digital:-18001028080
Nokia 1600 screen rotating trick:-
1.)dial *#5513#
Tricks for Nokia:-
-->Hide ur folder ICON
-->Rename Folder as Name.otb
-->Change Folder 2 Theme Icon as rename icon as name.nth
Dialed number retrieving in 1600:-
-->Save * on your contacts
-->Contact list& "Option"
-->select "call" option(dont press call button)
-->See diales no's
U can change ur dialer tune for free (Aircel):-
-->just sms DT FIND to 5300003 (toll free) It works in some states
BSNL to BSNL 10 ps/min. at two numbers:-
-->  sms EXLPOWER 1st mobile no (space) 2nd mobile no to 53733
Nokia codes:-
-->See private No-- *#30#
-->Warranty--- *#92702689#4
-->product date--*#3283#
Mobile number locator no need to install any software(for airtel):-
-->Type No 1st 4 digit to 51619
-->Ex: No 9888 to 51619
----------------------------------------- ----------
Toll Free numbers for any problems:-
Manual formatting of BB5 Nokia symbian phone 6600,6630,6680,6681,
7610,3230,N70,N72,N73,--- Models:-
Long press *,3,green button
Airtel offer Rs.5 (day pack):-
-500 L/N sms
Dial *555*01#
-50 MB data
DIal *555*02#
-A2A 5p/min (n8)
Dial *555*03#
-10 min STD IT
Dial *555*05#
SMS 4 Airtel:-
*123*1#  :SMS balance
*123*10# : Limited GPRS balance
*123*3# : Local A2A balance
*125*4# : unlimited sms balance
*123*5$ : Guld balance
ACT SMSDD to 53739
This is for reliance GSM
Send to the given number Rs.1 will be deducted after that sms will be totally free for 1 yr
Sony ericsson hand sets on BSNL network Trick:-
Just type 'MY3GTV' and send it to 55447
u will receive a wap link download MiMobi Tv
Want To recharge ur mobile online then go to:-
GSM tricks:-
To divert ur calls dial
Cancel divert
To check status
Hidden Trick for Nokia phones:-
-->Try this code : *#746025625#
-->This code stop ur sim clock in all nokia mobile phones
Airtel Free Hello Tune:-
-->Select Song
-->Then switch off ur mobile for 2 hours
BSNL trick:-
-->Send ur sim num to 53733 for puk number...
  Samsung codes:-
-->Battery info--*#0228#
-->GPRS TOOL---*#4777*8665#
-->Call list--*#2255#
-->Firm ware--*#1234#
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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Concept of Internetworking

  Internetworkin involves connecting tow or more distinct nodes or computer networks segments together to form an internetwork (often shortened to Internet} using internetworking devices, such as bridges, switches, router and gateways which operate at the various levels of the OSI Reference Model to connect them together to allow free flow of packets back and both between them . The network can further be divided into various brances or categories, namely LAN, MAN or WAN depending upon specific context of use.

Local Area Network: The network whose coverage falls within the range of 10 m to 1km, that is form small room to the campus of offices is called as Local Area Network.

Metropolitan Area Network : The network whose coverage falls within the range of 1 km, that is, within the vicinity of the city limits is called as Metropolitan Area Network.

Wide Area Network: The network whose coverage falls within the range of 10 km to 1000 km, that is,  spanning from one city to another city or may be to another county altogether is called as Wide Area Network.
Today, the Internet is largely and loosely based on the OSI Reference Model that provides us the seven layers as decribed below. gives the comparative schedule used, address supported and lenth of the address.

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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Network Layer Design Issues

 The network layer is one pf the most signification layers of the entire OSI Reference Model. The network layer is a layer at which the IP address works. If The communication is between two or more than system across different networks, then only we require the help of the IP address to transfer the data packet from one node to require the help of the IP address to transfer the data packet from one node to another, otherwise the hardware address supported by the data link layer is good enough for the transmission of the data packets between tow of more machines within the same network.
Some concepts that were kept in mind while designing the network layer are as follows :

1. The services should be independent of the subnet (a subset of the larger network} K also technology.

2. The transport layer should be shielded from the number, type and topology of the subnets present.

3. The network address made a available to the transport layer should use a uniform numbering plan across the different types of network starting from LAN to MAN to WAN.
The network layer of the ISO -OSI Reference Model supports both the connection oriented data streaming which is achieved through TCP and connectionless data streaming which is achieved through
UDP (Unreliable or User Datagram Protocol). The connection that is talked of in the above protocol should possess the following properties:

1. The source machine should first establish the connection to the destination machine. Each and every connection is identified and assigned a unique number which is released after all the data has been transferred from the source to the destination.

2. Mode of communication is kept full duplex have efforts are made so that packets are transmitted in doth the direction.
3. Both the source and the destination machine have the full right and authority that decide upon the various parameters, such as quality, cost duration, effort, of the devices that have to be used to provide the services.

Article -By Amit

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Tuesday, 10 December 2013


 A network is any collection of independent computers that communicate with one over a shared network medium.  There may be or more `computer . When computer are joined in a network, you can share files and devices, such as printers or CD-ROM drives. Different at multiple locations can also be accomplished using phone service and other modes of communication services.Now there is access to more service the form of e-mail, Internet and sharing of databases etc. Because of these benefits an others, computer networking is becoming increasingly  important.
In order to establish network of computer, we require at least two computer, Networking Interface came (NIC), and transmission medium. The transmission medium may be a wire are cable although wireless communication between networked computer and peripherals is also possible.
We also require network operating system software, such as Microsoft Windows NT or 2000, Novell  NetWare, Unix and Linux
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Friday, 22 November 2013


Network can be characterized using one or more technical or operational attributes.
Example., (Type of technology or number of connected users and devices)
One common attribute  used to categorize networks is geographic area or span. where a network  is labeled on the basis of the physical area it covers.
The five most common type of networks in terms of geographic area from the smallest to the largest are:

  • Personal area networks (PANs).
  • Local area networks (LANs).
  • Campus area networks (CAMs).
  • Metropolitan area networks (MANs).
  • Wide area networks (WANs).

Personal Area Networks (PANs)

PANs cover areas generally associated with individual workspaces (e.g., a home office or an office cubicle). Within these spaces, individual networks connecting two or more devices may be enabled using wireless technologies.

Local Area Networks (LANs)

LANs cover areas generally associated with some or all of the space within a building. In most cases, multiple workspace devices are connected to shared devices (e.g., switches, servers) to form a LAN.
One LAN can serve a single department, multiple groups, or all users within a building. Cabling, wireless, or a combination of both can be used to link LAN devices, 

Campus Area Networks (CANs)

CANs are created by linking the LANs located in two or more buildings that are in close proximity to each other, as Connections between the buildings can be made using cabling or wireless technologies.
NOTE: The term campus LAN is also used to describe a CAN.

Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)

MANs are created by linking the networks located at two or more sites within a city. Connections can be made using cabling or wireless technologies, with optical fiber cabling often used to link a customer�s buildings to a facility operated by a telecommunications provider, 

Wide Area Networks (WANs)

WANs are created by linking the networks located at two or more sites over geographic distances that extend beyond the span of a single metropolitan area. These include links between cities, countries, and in the case of global WANs, continents. Telecommunications circuits link each building to facilities operated by a telecommunications provider (same as MANs), 
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Saturday, 16 November 2013


     There are various networks and computer system on the Internet. In order send data to a particular system, the address of that system in the network has to be specified and using this address the data reaches its destination. In the addressing scheme IP addresses are used to route data ti its destination. In packet switching, the data is divided into small  equal- sized packets and these packets are re-assembled into original data. The path that data follows to reach its destination is called 'routers'. When a computer sends data packets to another computer on the network, all the packets are given the IP address of another computer and then these packets are sent to the nearest router on the network. The router then sends the packets to the destination computer through the Internet.
In the Internet, routers are organised in the form of  a tree structure. Routers that are used to transmit information within independent computer system are called interior routers. which use Interior Gateway Protocols for routing data. Routers that transmit information between independent computer system are called exterior routers, which use Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP) for routing data.

Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
IGP are used to route data in a Local Area Network such as a network in an office building. Following are the two type of IGP:

  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
  • Open Shortest Path First(OSPF)
Routing Information Protocol 
A routing database is maintained by RIP for storing information about the fastest route from one computer to another. An update process can be used by each router to inform other routers about the fastest route from its view point. Each router uses an update algorithm to update its routing database as per the fastest routes told by the eighbouring routers.
Open Shortest Path First
OPE maintains a database containing information about all the connection in the Local Area Network. The following terms describe the operating  of OSPE algorithm:
Startup : On turning on a router, Hello packets are sent by it to all the neighbouring routers. In return, it also receives their Hello packets and creates that are agreeable to synchronisation. Hello packets are these that are used to tell neighbouring routers that the sending router is now online.
Shortest Path Tree: Each router calculates a mathematical data structure, referred to as the 'shortest path tree' describing the shortest path to reach each of the destination addresses. For each communication, this address  tells you which is the the closest router to which the data packets should be sent, that is, open shortest path frist.
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Friday, 15 November 2013



ABSTRACT This paper takes a keen look at the history of computer technology with a view to encouraging computer or electrical electronic engineering students to embrace and learn the history of their profession and its technologies. Reedy (1984) quoted Aldous Huxley thus: �that men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.� This paper therefore emphasizes the need to study history of the computer because a proper study and understanding of the evolution of computers will undoubtedly help to greatly improve on computer technologies.


The word �computer� is an old word that has changed its meaning several times in the last few centuries. Originating from the Latin, by the mid-17th century it meant �someone who computes�. The American Heritage Dictionary (1980) gives its first computer definition as �a person who computes.� The computer remained associated with human activity until about the middle of the 20th century when it became applied to �a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data� as Webster�s Dictionary (1980) defines it. Today, the word computer refers to computing devices, whether or not they are electronic, programmable, or capable of �storing and retrieving� data.
The Techencyclopedia (2003) defines computer as �a general purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.� The computer and all equipment attached to it are called hardware. The instructions that tell it what to do are called "software" or �program�. A program is a detailed set of humanly prepared instructions that directs the computer to function in specific ways. Furthermore, the Encyclopedia Britannica (2003) defines computers as �the contribution of major individuals, machines, and ideas to the development of computing.� This implies that the computer is a system. A system is a group of computer components that work together as a unit to perform a common objective.
The term �history� means past events. The encyclopedia Britannica (2003) defines it as �the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.� The Oxford Advanced Learner�s Dictionary (1995) simply defines history as �the study of past events.�� In discussing the history of computers, chronological record of events � particularly in the area of technological development � will be explained. History of computer in the area of technological development is being considered because it is usually the technological advancement in computers that brings about economic and social advancement. A faster computer brings about faster operation and that in turn causes an economic development. This paper will discuss classes of computers, computer evolution and highlight some roles played by individuals in these developments.

Computing machines can be classified in many ways and these classifications depend on their functions and definitions. They can be classified by the technology from which they were constructed, the uses to which they are put, their capacity or size, the era in which they were used, their basic operating principle and by the kinds of data they process. Some of these classification techniques are discussed as follows:
Classification by Technology
This classification is a historical one and it is based on what performs the computer operation, or the technology behind the computing skill.
I FLESH: Before the advent of any kind of computing device at all, human beings performed computation by themselves. This involved the use of fingers, toes and any other part of the body.
II WOOD: Wood became a computing device when it was first used to design the abacus. Shickard in 1621 and Polini in 1709 were both instrumental to this development.
III METALS: Metals were used in the early machines of Pascal, Thomas, and the production versions from firms such as Brundsviga, Monroe, etc
IV ELECTROMECHANICAL DEVICES: As differential analyzers, these were present in the early machines of Zuse, Aiken, Stibitz and many others
V ELECTRONIC ELEMENTS: These were used in the Colossus, ABC, ENIAC, and the stored program computers.
This classification really does not apply to developments in the last sixty years because several kinds of new electro technological devices have been used thereafter.
Classification by Capacity
Computers can be classified according to their capacity. The term �capacity� refers to the volume of work or the data processing capability a computer can handle. Their performance is determined by the amount of data that can be stored in memory, speed of internal operation of the computer, number and type of peripheral devices, amount and type of software available for use with the computer.
The capacity of early generation computers was determined by their physical size - the larger the size, the greater the volume. Recent computer technology however is tending to create smaller machines, making it possible to package equivalent speed and capacity in a smaller format. Computer capacity is currently measured by the number of applications that it can
run rather than by the volume of data it can process. This classification is therefore done as follows:
I MICROCOMPUTERS The Microcomputer has the lowest level capacity. The machine has memories that are generally made of semiconductors fabricated on silicon chips. Large-scale production of silicon chips began in 1971 and this has been of great use in the production of microcomputers. The microcomputer is a digital computer system that is controlled by a stored program that uses a microprocessor, a programmable read-only memory (ROM) and a random-access memory (RAM). The ROM defines the instructions to be executed by the computer while RAM is the functional equivalent of computer memory.
The Apple IIe, the Radio Shack TRS-80, and the Genie III are examples of microcomputers and are essentially fourth generation devices. Microcomputers have from 4k to 64k storage location and are capable of handling small, single-business application such as sales analysis, inventory, billing and payroll.
In the 1960s, the growing demand for a smaller stand-alone machine brought about the manufacture of the minicomputer, to handle tasks that large computers could not perform economically. Minicomputer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger storage capacities than microcomputer systems. Operating systems developed for minicomputer systems generally support both multiprogramming and virtual storage. This means that many programs can be run concurrently. This type of computer system is very flexible and can be expanded to meet the needs of users.
Minicomputers usually have from 8k to 256k memory storage location, and a relatively established application software. The PDP-8, the IBM systems 3 and the Honeywell 200 and 1200 computer are typical examples of minicomputers.
Medium-size computer systems provide faster operating speeds and larger storage capacities than mini computer systems. They can support a large number of high-speed input/output devices and several disk drives can be used to provide online access to large data files as required for direct access processing and their operating systems also support both multiprogramming and virtual storage. This allows the running of variety of programs concurrently. A medium-size computer can support a management information system and can therefore serve the needs of a large bank, insurance company or university. They usually have memory sizes ranging from 32k to 512k. The IBM System 370, Burroughs 3500 System and NCR Century 200 system are examples of medium-size computers.
Large computers are next to Super Computers and have bigger capacity than the Medium-size computers. They usually contain full control systems with minimal operator intervention. Large computer system ranges from single-processing configurations to nationwide computer-based networks involving general large computers. Large computers have storage capacities from 512k to 8192k, and these computers have internal operating speeds measured in terms of nanosecond, as compared to small computers where speed is measured in terms of microseconds. Expandability to 8 or even 16 million characters is possible with some of these systems. Such characteristics permit many data processing jobs to be accomplished concurrently.
Large computers are usually used in government agencies, large corporations and computer services organizations. They are used in complex modeling, or simulation, business operations, product testing, design and engineering work and in the development of space technology. Large computers can serve as server systems where many smaller computers can be connected to it to form a communication network.
V SUPERCOMPUTERS The supercomputers are the biggest and fastest machines today and they are used when billion or even trillions of calculations are required. These machines are applied in nuclear weapon development, accurate weather forecasting and as host processors for local computer. and time sharing networks. Super computers have capabilities far beyond even the traditional large-scale systems. Their speed ranges from 100 million-instruction-per-second to well over three billion. Because of their size, supercomputers sacrifice a certain amount of flexibility. They are therefore not ideal for providing a variety of user services. For this reason, supercomputers may need the assistance of a medium-size general purpose machines (usually called front-end processor) to handle minor programs or perform slower speed or smaller volume operation.
Classification by their basic operating principle
Using this classification technique, computers can be divided into Analog, Digital and Hybrid systems. They are explained as follows:
Analog computers were well known in the 1940s although they are now uncommon. In such machines, numbers to be used in some calculation were represented by physical quantities - such as electrical voltages. According to the Penguin Dictionary of Computers (1970), �an analog computer must be able to accept inputs which vary with respect to time and directly
apply these inputs to various devices within the computer which performs the computing operations of additions, subtraction, multiplication, division, integration and function generation�.� The computing units of analog computers respond immediately to the changes which they detect in the input variables. Analog computers excel in solving differential equations and are faster than digital computers.
Most computers today are digital. They represent information discretely and use a binary (two-step) system that represents each piece of information as a series of zeroes and ones. The Pocket Webster School & Office Dictionary (1990) simply defines Digital computers as �a computer using numbers in calculating.� Digital computers manipulate most data more easily than analog computers. They are designed to process data in numerical form and their circuits perform directly the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Because digital information is discrete, it can be copied exactly but it is difficult to make exact copies of analog information.
These are machines that can work as both analog and digital computers.
The computer evolution is indeed an interesting topic that has been explained in some different ways over the years, by many authors. According to The Computational Science Education Project, US, the computer has evolved through the following stages:
The Mechanical Era (1623-1945)
Trying to use machines to solve mathematical problems can be traced to the early 17th century. Wilhelm Schickhard, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibnitz were among
mathematicians who designed and implemented calculators that were capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division included The first multi-purpose or programmable computing device was probably Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, which was begun in 1823 but never completed. In 1842, Babbage designed a more ambitious machine, called the Analytical Engine but unfortunately it also was only partially completed. Babbage, together with Ada Lovelace recognized several important programming techniques, including conditional branches, iterative loops and index variables. Babbage designed the machine which is arguably the first to be used in computational science. In 1933, George Scheutz and his son, Edvard began work on a smaller version of the difference engine and by 1853 they had constructed a machine that could process 15-digit numbers and calculate fourth-order differences. The US Census Bureau was one of the first organizations to use the mechanical computers which used punch-card equipment designed by Herman Hollerith to tabulate data for the 1890 census. In 1911 Hollerith's company merged with a competitor to found the corporation which in 1924 became International Business Machines (IBM).
First Generation Electronic Computers (1937-1953)
These devices used electronic switches, in the form of vacuum tubes, instead of electromechanical relays. The earliest attempt to build an electronic computer was by J. V. Atanasoff, a professor of physics and mathematics at Iowa State in 1937. Atanasoff set out to build a machine that would help his graduate students solve systems of partial differential equations. By 1941 he and graduate student Clifford Berry had succeeded in building a machine that could solve 29 simultaneous equations with 29 unknowns. However, the machine was not programmable, and was more of an electronic calculator.
A second early electronic machine was Colossus, designed by Alan Turing for the British military in 1943. The first general purpose programmable electronic computer was the
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. Research work began in 1943, funded by the Army Ordinance Department, which needed a way to compute ballistics during World War II. The machine was completed in 1945 and it was used extensively for calculations during the design of the hydrogen bomb. Eckert, Mauchly, and John von Neumann, a consultant to the ENIAC project, began work on a new machine before ENIAC was finished. The main contribution of EDVAC, their new project, was the notion of a stored program. ENIAC was controlled by a set of external switches and dials; to change the program required physically altering the settings on these controls. EDVAC was able to run orders of magnitude faster than ENIAC and by storing instructions in the same medium as data, designers could concentrate on improving the internal structure of the machine without worrying about matching it to the speed of an external control. Eckert and Mauchly later designed what was arguably the first commercially successful computer, the UNIVAC; in 1952. Software technology during this period was very primitive.
Second Generation (1954-1962)
The second generation witnessed several important developments at all levels of computer system design, ranging from the technology used to build the basic circuits to the programming languages used to write scientific applications. Electronic switches in this era were based on discrete diode and transistor technology with a switching time of approximately 0.3 microseconds. The first machines to be built with this technology include TRADIC at Bell Laboratories in 1954 and TX-0 at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory. Index registers were designed for controlling loops and floating point units for calculations based on real numbers.
A number of high level programming languages were introduced and these include FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959). Important commercial machines of this era include the IBM 704 and its successors, the 709 and 7094. In the 1950s the first two supercomputers were designed specifically for numeric processing in scientific applications.
Third Generation (1963-1972)
Technology changes in this generation include the use of integrated circuits, or ICs (semiconductor devices with several transistors built into one physical component), semiconductor memories, microprogramming as a technique for efficiently designing complex processors and the introduction of operating systems and time-sharing. The first ICs were based on small-scale integration (SSI) circuits, which had around 10 devices per circuit (or �chip�), and evolved to the use of medium-scale integrated (MSI) circuits, which had up to 100 devices per chip. Multilayered printed circuits were developed and core memory was replaced by faster, solid state memories.
In 1964, Seymour Cray developed the CDC 6600, which was the first architecture to use functional parallelism. By using 10 separate functional units that could operate simultaneously and 32 independent memory banks, the CDC 6600 was able to attain a computation rate of one million floating point operations per second (Mflops). Five years later CDC released the 7600, also developed by Seymour Cray. The CDC 7600, with its pipelined functional units, is considered to be the first vector processor and was capable of executing at ten Mflops. The IBM 360/91, released during the same period, was roughly twice as fast as the CDC 660.
Early in this third generation, Cambridge University and the University of London cooperated in the development of CPL (Combined Programming Language, 1963). CPL was, according to its authors, an attempt to capture only the important features of the complicated
and sophisticated ALGOL. However, like ALGOL, CPL was large with many features that were hard to learn. In an attempt at further simplification, Martin Richards of Cambridge developed a subset of CPL called BCPL (Basic Computer Programming Language, 1967). In 1970 Ken Thompson of Bell Labs developed yet another simplification of CPL called simply B, in connection with an early implementation of the UNIX operating system. comment):
Fourth Generation (1972-1984)
Large scale integration (LSI - 1000 devices per chip) and very large scale integration (VLSI - 100,000 devices per chip) were used in the construction of the fourth generation computers. Whole processors could now fit onto a single chip, and for simple systems the entire computer (processor, main memory, and I/O controllers) could fit on one chip. Gate delays dropped to about 1ns per gate. Core memories were replaced by semiconductor memories. Large main memories like CRAY 2 began to replace the older high speed vector processors, such as the CRAY 1, CRAY X-MP and CYBER
In 1972, Dennis Ritchie developed the C language from the design of the CPL and Thompson's B. Thompson and Ritchie then used C to write a version of UNIX for the DEC PDP-11. Other developments in software include very high level languages such as FP (functional programming) and Prolog (programming in logic).
IBM worked with Microsoft during the 1980s to start what we can really call PC (Personal Computer) life today. IBM PC was introduced in October 1981 and it worked with the operating system (software) called �Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS DOS) 1.0. Development of MS DOS began in October 1980 when IBM began searching the market for an operating system for the then proposed IBM PC and major contributors were Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Tim Paterson. In 1983, the Microsoft Windows was announced and this has witnessed several improvements and revision over the last twenty years.
Fifth Generation (1984-1990)
This generation brought about the introduction of machines with hundreds of processors that could all be working on different parts of a single program. The scale of integration in semiconductors continued at a great pace and by 1990 it was possible to build chips with a million components - and semiconductor memories became standard on all computers. Computer networks and single-user workstations also became popular.
Parallel processing started in this generation. The Sequent Balance 8000 connected up to 20 processors to a single shared memory module though each processor had its own local cache. The machine was designed to compete with the DEC VAX-780 as a general purpose Unix system, with each processor working on a different user's job. However Sequent provided a library of subroutines that would allow programmers to write programs that would use more than one processor, and the machine was widely used to explore parallel algorithms and programming techniques. The Intel iPSC-1, also known as �the hypercube� connected each processor to its own memory and used a network interface to connect processors. This distributed memory architecture meant memory was no longer a problem and large systems with more processors (as many as 128) could be built. Also introduced was a machine, known as a data-parallel or SIMD where there were several thousand very simple processors which work under the direction of a single control unit. Both wide area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) technology developed rapidly.
Sixth Generation (1990 - )
Most of the developments in computer systems since 1990 have not been fundamental changes but have been gradual improvements over established systems. This generation brought about gains in parallel computing in both the hardware and in improved understanding of how to develop algorithms to exploit parallel architectures.
Workstation technology continued to improve, with processor designs now using a combination of RISC, pipelining, and parallel processing. Wide area networks, network bandwidth and speed of operation and networking capabilities have kept developing tremendously. Personal computers (PCs) now operate with Gigabit per second processors, multi-Gigabyte disks, hundreds of Mbytes of RAM, colour printers, high-resolution graphic monitors, stereo sound cards and graphical user interfaces. Thousands of software (operating systems and application software) are existing today and Microsoft Inc. has been a major contributor. Microsoft is said to be one of the biggest companies ever, and its chairman � Bill Gates has been rated as the richest man for several years.
Finally, this generation has brought about micro controller technology. Micro controllers are �embedded� inside some other devices (often consumer products) so that they can control the features or actions of the product. They work as small computers inside devices and now serve as essential components in most mac

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Monday, 11 November 2013


 The JVM plays an important role in making Java language portable and platform-independent as it hides the details of implementation between the hardware requirement  and the operating system. JVM runs the compiled Java programs and provides compatibility between the compiled Java program and the system, where the program is executed.

Java programs are compiled into calls using the executable file, javac. A Java compiler generates the byte code and loads it in JVM using the JVM class loaders. The JVM class loaders load the class file and execute the byte code in accordance with the operating system and the hardware configuration. JVM allows you to execute a Java program an any operating system such as UNIX system, Windows system of Macintosh system,

Pigure  ; The Java interpreter executes the byte code that are generated by a Java compiler and converts the byte codes into machine-readable code.

The class loaders in JVM allocate memory to the loaded Java class file. Class loaders also provide mobility to the Java programs as these class loaders allow the source code to de dynamically linked across the network. Class loaders also provide network security to the Java programs.
The class loaders in JVM are of two types: primordial class loader the Java Application Programming Interface (API) at the time of executing a Java program. You can instantiate multiple class loader. during  run-time to load the class files in machine memory.
The Java class files obtained after compilation are loaded into JVM using the Java class loaders. The Java API class files are also loaded in the class loader of JVM. The execution engine interacts with the host operating system by invoking the native method while executing a program on JVM. The two ways by which you can invoke native methods are Java method and Native method. 
The native methods are written in a non-Java programming language such as C++ or assembly language and are compiled into the native machine code. The native methods are plarform-dependent and are stored in Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLLs).
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Sunday, 10 November 2013

Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) Model Paper with Answer 2013


       Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)  TEST PAPERS

1 A client program used to access the Internet services and       resources available through the World Wide Web.
(A)ISP (B)Web Browsers(C) Web Servers (D)None of the above

2"When a computer prints a report, this output is called_____."
hard copy soft copy COM None of the above

3"=ROUND(2.15,1) entered in a cell displays"
 (A)2 (B)2.1 (C)2.2 (D)None of the above

4"=MOD(-3,2) entered in a cell displays"
(A) -1 (B)1(C) -1.5(D) 0

5"To change the size of the chart without changing its proportion, then you have to press _____ as you drag a corner handle"
(B) [Shift] (B) [Alt] (C) [Ctrl] (D) [F11]

6The default page orientation in Excel is
(A)Landscape (B)Horizontal(C) Portrait(D) None of the above

7"In Excel, if you click on the Gridlines and Draft Quality check box on the sheet tab property sheet of page setup dialog box then"
(A)gridlines will be print
(B)gridlines will not be printed
(C)sometimes print
(D) None of the above

8 To create a new blank presentation you could _____.
(A)click on the New button
(B)use the File New command
(C)Both of the above
(D)None of the above

9In which menu Change Case command appears
(A) Insert (B)Slide show (C)Format (D)Edit

10How do you make an inserted sound file play continuously over several slides? (A)"In the Custom Animation task pane, open Effects Options and  set the sound to play for the desired number of slides"
(B)"Using the Record Sound feature, press the Record button and  play your music as you click through the whole slide show"
(C)"Using the Play CD Audio Track feature, set the CD to play  for the desired number of tracks"
(D)All of the above
11 The area on a slide that holds text that will appear in the presentation outline is a _____.

(A)Textbox(B)Placeholder(C)bullet point(D)title box

12 The purpose of AutoFormat command in Excel is to
(A)create a professional and consistent look for your data
(B)"choose between standard table formats that include borders,   shading, font            colours and other formatting options"
(C)easily apply a consistent format throughout a workbook
(D)All of the above

13 Which of the following statements about search engines and directories is true?
(A)A search engine does not discriminate between good and bad  sites.
(B)A search engine displays all Web pages that contain your  keywords and may  list thousands of unordered results.
(C)A directory is someone s attempt to categorize the best  sites available for     a given subject or topic.
(D)All of the above
14 Which one of the following can be entered as a number in a cell? (A)"1,300.00"(B) (5000.00) (C)1.1e+2 (D)All of the above

15 Which of the following a search engine continuously sends out that start on a homepage of a server and pursue all links stepwise?
(A)spiders (B)packets (C)cookies (D)None of the above

16 "What would you use for immediate, real-time communication with a friend?" (A)Instant Messaging(B) E-Mail (C)Usenet (D)Blog

17 The Internet uses
(A)Circuit switching (B)Packet switching
(C) Hybrid switching (D)None of the above

18 The ascending order of a data hierarchy is :
(A)Bit-byte-record-field-file-database(B) Byte-bit-field-record-file-database(A) (D)Byte-bit-record-file-field-database(C) Bit-byte-field-record-file-database

19 Software instruction intended to satisfy a user s specific processing needs are called _____
(A)System software(B)Microcomputer (C)Documentation (D)Application software

20 "In computer terminology, information means"
(C)data in more useful or intelligible form
(D)alphanumeric data program

21 Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit (A)Keyboard(B)Printer (C)Tape(D) Arithmetic Logic Unit

22 What is meant by computer literacy?
(A)Ability to write computer programs
(B)Knowing what a computer can and cannot do
(C)Knowing computer related vocabulary
(D)Ability to assemble computers

23 The software application that is used the most often is _____.
(A)word processing (B)spreadsheet (C)database (D)graphical presentation

24 A floppy disk contains
(A)Circular tracks only (B)Sectors only
(C)Both circular tracks and sectors
(D)None of the above

25 The first page that you normally view at a Web site is its:
(A)Home page (B)Master page (C)First page (D)Banner page

26 What is the function of the justification buttons on the toolbar?
(A) To display a drop-down list of justification options
(B)To display the four options for aligning text
(C)To open the justification dialog box
(D)To center the current line

27 The binary number system has a base
(A)2 (B)4 (C)8 (D)16

28 The arithmetic/logic unit performs the following actions:
(A)checks data for accuracy
(B)"does calculations using addition, subtraction,  multiplication, and division"
(C)"does logical comparisons, such as equal to, greater than,  less than"
(D) both calculations and logical comparisons

29 CPU reads the information from secondary memory
(B)"First, information is transferred to main memory and from   there, the CPU reads"
(C)Through registers
(D)None of these

30 A plotter is 
(A)An input device to produce good quality graphics
(B)An output device to produce drawings and graphics
(C)A fast output device using camera lenses
(D)None of these

31 A _____ is a collection of buttons which represent various operations that can be carried out within an application.
(A)Buttons (B)Menu (C)Toolbar (D)None

32 The topmost bar in any application window is the _____. 
(A)It displays the name of the document or application.
(B)Menu bar
(D)Status bar

33 Supercomputers are primarily useful for
(A)Input-output intensive processing
(B)Mathematical intensive scientific applications
(C)Data retrieval operations
(D)None of these

34 E-mail
(A)Cannot address many users
(B)Does not provide protection given to first class mail
(C)Always uses bridge to send messages in different networks
(D)None of these

35 Which of the following is a graphical package?
(A)CorelDRAW (B)MS-Excel (C)MS-Word (D)None of these

36 The gigantic work of simulating the airflow around an entire aircraft can only be done by using fast
(A)Microcomputers (A)Minicomputers (A)Supercomputers (A)None of these

37 Which of the rule mentioned below for range names is incorrect
(A)names cannot be the same as a cell reference
(B)in a range name you are allowed to use spaces or commas
(C)range names can be directly used in formulas
(D)the only separators allowed are underscore characters  nd/or periods between words

38 What is the first step in MS-Word in changing line spacing?
(A)To open the Format menu
(B)To click the Line Spacing button
(C)To select the paragraphs you want to change
(D)To open the Paragraph menu

39 "A mouse, trackball, and joystick are examples of _____."
(A)pointing devices
(B)pen input devices
(C)data collection devices
(D)multimedia devices

40 The Save As... dialog box can be used
(A)for saving the file for the first time to save 
(B)file by some alternative name
(C)to save file in a format other than Word
(D)All of the above

41 The contents of the Clipboard remain the same until
(A)you cut other text
(B)you shut down your computer
(C)you copy other text
(D)All of the above
42 You will probably use Borders in Word where
(A)you wish to add emphasis to particular paragraphs
(B)you wish to draw lines above and below or to left and right of paragraphs
(C)you wish to surround the paragraphs with different styles  of boxes
(D)All of the above

43 The Formatting Toolbar option are applied
(A)to paragraph selection only
(B)to character selection only
(C)to both character as well as paragraph selections
(D)None of the above

44 A page break is used to do what?
(A)Create a new page at the insertion point
(B)Create a new page at the bottom of the document
(C)Create a new page that cannot be deleted
(D)Create a blank page at the top of the document

45 "In which Word menu, Letter wizard command appears"
(A)Format (B)Tools (C)Insert (D)Table

46 "In Word, split cells command appears in _____ menu."
(A)Table (B)Format (C)Insert (D)Tools

47 Status bar shows different types of keys:
(A)Num lock key (B)Scroll lock key  (C)Caps lock key  (D)All of these

48 In Excel the intersection of a row and column is called
(A)square (B)cubicle (C)cell (D)worksheet

49 "In Excel, once a range has been named, you can go to a range"
(A)by selecting ranges using the name box
(B)by selecting ranges using the [F5] key
(C)both a and b
(D)None of the above

50 One of the statements is not true:
(A)"In its default settings, a word processor does not  hyphenate the text"
(B)Hyphenating helps when you are dealing with thin columnar  text
(C)"By hyphenating, the looks of the justified thin columns  will look greatly      improved"
(D)Microsoft Word hyphenates text in its default settings.

51Animation effects appears in the Standard toolbar.
(A)True (B)False

52 BIOS stands for Basic Integrated Operating System
(A)True (B)False

53 LENGTH() function is used to find the length of the string.
(A)True (B)False

54 The floating text (text not associated with objects in the chart) cannot be moved in the chart area.
(A)True (B)False

55 "Just as you can preview a worksheet before printing, it is not possible to preview a chart."
(A)True (B)False

56 "To insert a header or footer in a worksheet, select Header and Footer option in the File menu."
(A)True (B)False

57 You can add items to the Start menu of windows
(A)True (B)False

58 You can swap over the functionality of the left and right mouse buttons
(A)True (B)False

59 The AutoContent Wizard creates the structure and contents based on the choices you make.
(A)True (B)False

60 PowerPoint has more than twenty four slide layouts.
(A)True (B)False

61 Bullets and numbering appears in the standard toolbar.
(A)True (B)False

62 The Cell/range names are case sensitive.
(A)True (B)False

63 You can apply a color scheme to the current slide or to all slides in your presentation.
(A)True (B)False

64 99 sales is a valid name for a cell or a range.
(A)True (B)False

65 PowerPoint allows you to differentiate your own animation effects.
(A)True (B)False

66 Internet is not a commercial information service.
(A)True (B)False

67 The network NSFnet was later renamed as Internet.
(A)True (B)False

68 The IP address space is divided into classes five in all which are given letters A through E
(A)True (B)False

69 The Request for Comments (RFCs) core topics are Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suites.
(A)True (B)False

70 The Back and Forward buttons can be used to visit only pages from the same website
(A)True (B)False

71 A protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP1
(A)True (B)False

72 All conversations on the IRC are in English
(A)True (B)False

73 The full form of ISP is Information Source Provider
(A)True (B)False

74 "A smiley, is a sequence of ordinary printable characters, or a small image, intended to represent a human facial expression and convey an emotion."
(A)True (B)False

75 You can stop using the spelling checker at any time by clicking the close button.
(A)True (B)False

76 The View menu in Word is used to create header and footer.
(A)True (B)False

77 Check boxes are used to present options requiring individual on/off decisions in Message boxes.
(A)True (B)False

78 Firmware is software that is embedded in a hardware device
(A)True (B)False

79 Primary memory has higher storage capacity than secondary memory.
(A)True (B)False

80 Pressing F1 is a common way to invoke help in Windows?
(A)True (B)False

81 "To select an entire document in Word, move the pointer to the left of any document text until it changes to a right-pointing arrow, and then double-click."
(A)True (B)False

82 [Ctrl]+[U] selects the italics style for the selected text.
(A)True (B)False

83 A blank line is also called as a paragraph. It is called as an empty paragraph.
(A)True (B)False

84 [Del] key deletes the text to the left of the insertion point.
(A)True (B)False

85 Word includes a number of AutoCorrect entries. We can use these entries but cannot modify them.
(A)True (B)False

86 You can create your own dictionaries in Word.
(A)True (B)False

87 "When you create a formula that contains a function, the Insert Function dialog box helps you enter worksheet functions."
(A)True (B)False

88 "In Word, you can change the character spacing from the toolbar."
(A)True (B)False

89 "e-commerce consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet"
(A)True (B)False

90 Word template does not include style formatting.
(A)True (B)False

91 The Blank Web page template of Word contains pre-formatted or pre-designed options.
(A)True (B)False

92 The Word organizer does not copy the Auto-Text entries.
(A)True (B)False

93 Different cells with in a row can have different heights.
(A)True (B)False

94 The AutoFit to contents enables Word to widen or narrow columns based on the contents you insert in Insert Table.
(A)True (A)False

95 Print Preview of Word does not allow you to do any editing.
(A)True (A)False

96 "From the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, you can only open an existing data source but cannot create a new one."
(A)True (B)False

97 The name box is at the left end of the formula bar
(A)True (B)False

98 "In Excel, The delete and clear commands perform the same function."
(A)True (B)False

99 You cannot change the Font style of the entire workbook by a single command. It can change only worksheet by worksheet.
(A)True (B)False

100 The spelling and grammar check can only be done once the text is selected. (A)True (B)False


1=    b    2=    a    3=    c    4=    b    5=    c    6=    c    7=    a    8=    c    9=    c    10=    d   

11=    a    12=    d    13=    d    14=    d    15=    c    16=        17=    b    18=    d    19=    d  

  20=    b    21=    d    22=    c    23=    a    24=    c    25=    a    26=    d    27=    a    28=    d 

   29=    b    30=        31=    c    32=    d    33=    b    34=    c    35=    a    36=    c    37=    b

   38=    c    39=    a    40=    d    41=    b    42=    d    43=    c    44=    b    45=    b    46=   a 

  47=    d    48=    c    49=    c    50=    d    51=    t    52=    f    53=    t    54=    f    55=    f    

56=    f    57=    t    58=    t    59=t    60=    t    61=    f    62=    f    63=    t    64=    f    65= f   

66=    f    67=    f    68=    f    69=    t    70=    f    71=    t    72=    t    73=    f    74=t75=    f  

  76=    f    77=    f    78=    t    79=    f    80=    t    81=    t    82=    f    83=    t    84=    f   

 85=    f    86=    t    87=    t    88=    t    89=    t    90=    f    91=    f    92=    f    93=    f   

 94=    t    95=    t    96=    f    97=    t    98=    t    99=    t    100=    f    

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